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There are many ways to contribute - all vital to Deep Well's mission.
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It's important to note that, in 2012, Deep Well was designated as an "Angel Charity" by the state of South Carolina, because over 90% of all funds received are awarded in the form of food, clothing, school supplies, Christmas toys or rent, utilities, prescriptions or other similar payments on behalf of qualified, needy clients.


This level of efficiency was in place before 2012 and continues today.

Donations of cash or check

The Hilton Head Island Deep Well Project is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization that depends solely on the generosity of individual donors, churches, civic and service organizations, plus grants from local and regional funders like the United Way of the Lowcountry, the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, Coastal Carolina Foundation, and other area foundations. 


Consider that your donation might qualify for a partial or complete match from another organization (such as the Heritage Golf Foundation) or, in many cases, a current or former employer.  Many major corporations have extensive matching gifts programs and that can often double the value of your contribution.  


There are several easy ways to contribute directly to Deep Well.  Here's all the information you'll need. 


Send a check:   

Checks should be made out to "The Deep Well Project" and mailed to:

The Deep Well Project

PO Box 5543

Hilton Head Island, SC 29938


Online via PayPal or major credit card:

Please first read the directions below.

1.  Click the yellow "DONATE" button and you'll be taken to a secure payment page where you can use any credit or debit card, although the payment page encourages PayPal.

2.  Enter the donation amount and click whether it's a one-time or monthly gift.

3.  Then click the "update" button and follow the prompts.

4.  You will receive an e-mail confirmation of the donation immediately. You will also receive  an acknowledgment letter from The Deep Well Project via US Mail or email.

5.  If your gift is in Memory or Honor of someone,  or your donation should be used for a particular program, please share these details so we can honor your wishes and acknowledge properly - just email a quick note with your instructions to:

Donations of food, furniture and household goods:


Non-perishable food items are always welcome; in fact, most of the food we distribute is donated, with a smaller portion purchased by Deep Well.

Food items can be brought directly to our office between 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.


Furniture and household goods

Gently-used furniture (meaning no torn or soiled upholstery, for example), and refrigerators, free-standing stoves, washers and dryers that are in good working condition are always in need. If you can bring it to Deep Well, that would be appreciated.  If that's not possible, however, our Deep Well truck goes out once a week to pick up large donated items.  So, feel free to call our office to arrange a pick-up.


Consider making Deep Well a beneficiary of your estate.  In addition to the personal satisfaction you can derive from a philanthropic bequest, you may save estate taxes, depending on the size of your estate.  You might wish to express your bequest as a percentage of your estate rather than a specific dollar amount, thereby protecting your primary beneficiaries in the event of a reduction in the size of your estate.

You could also consider making Deep Well a beneficiary of your tax-deferred retirement plan.

Our Tax ID Number

All donations made to Deep Well are tax deductible.  We are a registered non-profit organization complying with the requirements of section 501(C)3 of the U.S. Federal Income Tax Code.  As a result, a donation made to us may be deducted from your income taxes as an itemized deduction.

Our Tax ID Number is 57-0566098.

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Neighbors feel the benefit of your donations in many ways.

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